Personal Injury Overview

Automobile Accidents and Non-Automobile Related Accidents, Medical Malpractice, Slips and Falls, Workman’s Comp or Work Related Injuries, Dog Bites, and Wrongful Death actions.
Personal Injury
Personal injury is a legal term that means an injury to a person’s body rather than to their property. Personal injury lawsuits fall under a specific area of law known as tort law, which covers injuries that are the result of negligence by another person or entity. These are generally cases in which a person has been physically harmed and has experienced emotional distress. Examples of situations that can lead to personal injury lawsuits include vehicle accidents, slip and fall accidents, dog bites, and medical malpractice. The New Jersey law firm of Gerstein Grayson & Cohen has highly qualified, experienced Personal Injury Attorneys who have successfully represented those who have suffered personal injuries and/or emotional distress as the result of others’ negligence or reckless behavior.
Vehicle Accidents
Vehicle accidents happen all the time. In most cases these accidents are minor fender benders that result in no physical harm to anybody and only minor damage to the car itself. But all too often, car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents and bus accidents result in serious bodily harm or death and are the result of a driver’s negligence or driver making reckless or careless mistakes. In some cases the driver is driving too fast or disobeying other traffic laws. In many cases accidents involve drunk driving, substance abuse or distracted driving. When drivers get behind the wheel of their vehicle they are responsible for driving safely in order to protect themselves, their passenger and those with whom they share the road. When they fail in this responsibility, the Personal Injury Attorneys at Gerstein Grayson & Cohen are here to represent the injured party, helping them to recover moneys spent for medical expenses, property damage, lost wages and other expenses including pain and suffering.
Dog Bites
Well behaved, well trained dogs can be wonderful companions to humans. They can provide comfort and love, and serve humans in a number of valuable ways. But all too often animals that are not properly restrained or trained become aggressive and can cause serious harm. There are an estimated 4.7 million dog bite victims in the United States every year. The average expense for medical treatment for a dog bite is $18,000, but very few of these victims are successful in getting the compensation that they are entitled to cover their expenses and damages from the incident. Having an experienced attorney to represent you against the dog owner and the dog owner’s insurance company will provide you with a powerful advantage and a much better chance of recovering the monies you have spent, as well as being compensated for the emotional impact and pain and suffering you have incurred.
If you become the victim of someone else’s negligence, we can help you get justice. Personal injury from falls, car accidents, work–related accidents, and other situations can receive compensation with our legal team. We will work hard for you to get justice when someone else is at fault for harming you. If a plaintiff wrongfully claims you are at fault for their personal injury, we will defend you, as well. Don’t let anyone get the best of you.
For prompt attention to your Personal Injury needs, please complete our contact form.