Educational Law Overview

Educational Matters such as IEP Meetings, Special Education Issues, Expulsions/Suspensions, and SAT or State Testing Accommodations.
Educational Law
At the law firm of Gerstein Grayson & Cohen, we believe that every student within the State of New Jersey is entitled to a quality education. We are committed to helping families who are struggling with legal issues regarding their child’s education. Laws exist to provide children who have disabilities with certain rights. We are experienced and successful in representing those children in need of special educational services, in advocating for families in IEP meetings, and in representing those facing expulsions or suspensions who feel that their rights have been violated.
The Right to an Education
Federal law establishes that children who have disabilities have certain rights, including the right to be assessed and tested to determine exactly what their needs are. Parents have the right to review all school records that relate to their child, as well as to attend individualized education program (IEP) meetings that establish specific plans that meet their needs. They also are entitled to an impartial resolution process with their school district in cases where disputes arise. The attorneys of the law firm of Gerstein Grayson & Cohen have extensive knowledge of education law, and are able to assist you in determining whether your child’s educational rights are being violated, and if your child’s educational rights are being violated, to represent your child and obtain for your child the educational assistance and educational benefits to which your child may be legally entitled. We are committed to acting in the best interests of your child, so whether you need assistance in securing your child the assistance and accommodations in school to which your child is entitled, requesting an IEP evaluation and meeting, in reviewing or in filing a complaint against the school board or representing you or your child in court, we are here to help you and your child.
Suspension and Expulsion
If your child has been accused of behaving inappropriately in school and has been either suspended or expelled, it is important that you understand your child’s legal rights and ensure that your child’s legal rights are being protected. This is particularly so with respect to students who have been diagnosed with disabilities. Students who have been diagnosed with disabilities have specific rights and protections afforded to them that must be followed before your child can be expelled by a school if the conduct they are accused of is a result of their disability.
The lawyers at Gerstein Grayson & Cohen understand that these actions can have significant consequences for your family and for your child’s future. We are committed to determining whether the charges that have been filed are accurate, justified and whether all appropriate procedures are being followed. We will review school policy, investigate the exact circumstances of the incident, and take all steps necessary to ensure that your child is well represented and that your child has a knowledgeable experienced advocate by their side. Should the incident result in criminal charges being imposed upon your child, we can defend those charges as well as to protect your child from having his or her future unjustly damaged, for what happens today can have long lasting effects on your child’s future education and employment opportunities, tomorrow.
For prompt attention to your Educational Law needs, please complete our contact form.